Article owned by team: Information Systems and Support (ISS)



With Word on your PC, Mac, or mobile device, you can:

  • Create documents from scratch, or a template.

  • Add text, images, art, and videos.

  • Research a topic and find credible sources.

  • Access your documents from a computer, tablet, or phone with OneDrive.

  • Share your documents and work with others.

  • Track and review changes.

The information contained in this article outlines how to use aspects of Microsoft Word. If your preferred method of learning is face-to-face and you would like some additional help on this subject, then please click here to raise a Service Case with Information Systems and Support (ISS). One of our friendly ISS team will then contact you directly and arrange a time to either meet with you online or in person at a time and place that best suits with you.  


I want to:


This article is under further development.

Lay out pages

Change page orientation to landscape or portrait

The below information outlines how to change the page orientation on Microsoft Word. If your preferred method of learning is face-to-face and you would like some additional help on this subject, then please click here to raise a Service Case with Information Systems and Support (ISS). One of our friendly ISS team will then contact you directly and arrange a time to either meet with you online or in person at a time and place that best suits with you.  

To change the orientation of a whole document

  • To change the orientation of the whole document, select Layout > Orientation.

  • Choose Portrait or Landscape.


To change part of a document to landscape

  • Select the content that you want on a landscape page.


  • Go to Layout, and open the Page Setup dialog box.

  • Select Landscape, and in the Apply to box, choose Selected text.

  • Then click OK

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The below information outlines how to insert a header or footer in Microsoft Word. If your preferred method of learning is face-to-face and you would like some additional help on this subject, then please click here to raise a Service Case with Information Systems and Support (ISS). One of our friendly ISS team will then contact you directly and arrange a time to either meet with you online or in person at a time and place that best suits with you.  


  • Go to Insert > Header or Footer.

  • Choose the header style you want to use.

    Some built-in header and footer designs include page numbers.


  • Add or change text for the header or footer. For more info on things you can do with headers, see Edit your existing headers and footers. To edit a header or footer that's been already created, double-click on it.

  • To eliminate a header--like deleting it on the title page--select it and then check the Different First Page box. 

  • Select Close Header and Footer or press Esc to exit.

To delete, select Insert Header (or Footer) > Remove Header (or Remove Footer). 

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Further information:

Contact: Information Systems and Support through case creation.